
  1. Section A: Add and Subtract Within 20
    1. Warm-up: What Do You Know About Math?
    2. 1.1: Check It Off: Add or Subtract within 10
    3. 1.2: What’s the Value?
    1. Warm-up: What Do You Know About 10?
    2. 2.2: Sums of 10
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Addition and Subtraction
    2. 3.2: Make the Equation True
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Make 10
    2. 4.1: Revisit How Close?
    3. 4.2: Add and Subtract within 20
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Two-Digit, One-Digit
    2. 5.1: Revisit How Close, Add to 100
    3. 5.2: Add within 50
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Teen Numbers, Two-digit Numbers
    2. 6.2: Centers: Choice Time
    3. Section A Practice Problems
  2. Section B: Ways to Represent Data
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Let’s Get There
    2. 7.1: How Do We Get to School?
    3. 7.2: Visual Representations of Data
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: Dots within 10
    2. 8.1: Veggies People Love
    3. 8.2: Answer Questions
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Favorite Pets
    2. 9.1: Field Trip Choices
    3. 9.2: Our Favorite Seasons
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Data
    2. 10.1: Draw Picture Graphs
    3. 10.2: Draw Bar Graphs
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Make a Ten with 3 Addends
    2. 11.1: Write Questions Based on Graphs
    3. 11.2: Answer Questions Using Graphs
    4. Section B Summary
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Differences
    2. 12.2: Centers Choice Time
    3. Section B Practice Problems
  3. Section C: Diagrams to Compare
    1. Warm-up: True or False: Make Ten with 9
    2. 13.1: What’s the Difference?
    3. 13.2: Dogs in the Park
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: What Kind of Graph Is This?
    2. 14.1: Party Time (Part 1)
    3. 14.2: Party Time (Part 2)
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: 10 and Some More
    2. 15.1: Shell Collections
    3. 15.2: Card Sort: At the Beach
    1. Warm-up: True or False: Multiples of 10
    2. 16.1: A Trip to the Library
    3. 16.2: Solve Compare Problems
    4. Section C Summary
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Add Ten More
    2. 17.2: Centers Choice Time
    1. Warm-up: What Do You Know About Bar Graphs?
    2. 18.1: Classroom Survey and Graph
    3. 18.2: I Ask, then You Ask
    4. 18.3: Analyze the Data with Diagrams
    5. Section C Practice Problems
  4. Glossary
  5. Attributions
  6. Notes
  7. Notes