
  1. Section A: Interpret and Represent Data on Scaled Graphs
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Graphs
    2. 1.1: Picture Time
    3. 1.2: Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: Dots in Groups
    2. 2.1: How We Get Home
    3. 2.2: Questions About a Bar Graph
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Addition
    2. 3.1: So Many Responses
    3. 3.2: Questions about Scaled Picture Graphs
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: More Groups of Dots
    2. 4.1: Ways to Travel
    3. 4.2: Create a Scaled Picture Graph
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Twos and Fives
    2. 5.1: Compare Bar Graphs
    3. 5.2: Create a Scaled Bar Graph
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Bar Graph Scales
    2. 6.1: Represent Pattern Blocks
    3. 6.2: Represent More Data in a Scaled Bar Graph
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: Groups of Dots
    2. 7.1: Questions about Favorite Time of the Year
    3. 7.2: Questions About Bugs in the Garden
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Repeated Addition
    2. 8.1: New School Year
    3. 8.2: Use Bar Graphs to Solve Problems
    4. Section A Summary
    5. Section A Practice Problems
  2. Section B: From Graphs to Multiplication
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: More Addition
    2. 9.1: From Scaled Graphs to Equal Groups
    3. 9.2: Equal Group Situations
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Socks
    2. 10.1: Scaled Picture Graph to Diagram
    3. 10.2: Card Sort: Equal Groups
    1. 11.1: Multiplication Expression Match
    2. 11.2: Expressions to Drawings and Diagrams
    3. 11.3: Write Multiplication Expressions
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: Lots of Dots
    2. 12.1: Tyler’s Boxes
    3. 12.2: Solve Equal Groups Problems
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Representations
    2. 13.1: Multiplication Equation Match
    3. 13.2: Write Multiplication Equations
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Fives
    2. 14.1: Card Sort: Unknown Numbers
    3. 14.2: Write Equations with an Unknown Number
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Tens
    2. 15.1: Represent Situations with Equations
    3. 15.2: Multiplication Mashup
    4. Section B Summary
    5. Section B Practice Problems
  3. Section C: Represent Multiplication with Arrays and the Commutative Property
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Eggs
    2. 16.1: Compare Equal Groups and Arrays
    3. 16.2: Arrange Into Arrays
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Arrangements
    2. 17.1: Card Sort: Arrays
    3. 17.2: Draw Arrays
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: An Array of Shapes
    2. 18.1: Represent Array Situations
    3. 18.2: Connect Arrays to Expressions
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: One Less Group
    2. 19.1: Array of Colors
    3. 19.2: Tyler’s Trees
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Subtraction
    2. 20.1: Learn More About Multiplication
    3. 20.2: Revisit Arrays
    4. Section C Summary
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Squares and Circles
    2. 21.1: Game Night
    3. 21.2: Game Night on a Graph
    4. Section C Practice Problems
  4. Glossary
    1. Image Attributions
  5. Notes
  6. Notes