Section A: Decimals with Tenths and Hundredths
Lesson 1: Decimal Numbers
Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Shaded Grid
1.1: Shady Fractions
1.2: Ways to Express a Number
Lesson 2: Equivalent Decimals
Warm-up: True or False: Equivalent Fractions
2.1: Card Sort: Diagrams of Fractions and Decimals
2.2: True or Not True?
Lesson 3: Decimals on Number Lines
Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Decimals and Fractions
3.1: Points on Number Lines
3.2: Decimals Compared
Lesson 4: Compare and Order Decimals
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration
4.1: All in Order
4.2: 400-Meter Dash in a Flash
Lesson 5: Compare and Order Decimals and Fractions
Warm-up: Number Talk: Sums of Fractions
5.1: Order Once, Order Twice
5.2: Long Jumps
Section A Summary
Section A Practice Problems
Section B: Place-value Relationships through 1,000,000
Lesson 6: How Much is 10,000?
Warm-up: What Do You Know about 1,000?
6.1: Build Numbers
6.2: What is 10,000?
Lesson 7: Numbers Within 100,000
7.1: Count and Write Numbers
7.2: Many Thousands
Lesson 8: Beyond 100,000
Warm-up: How Many Do You See?
8.1: Lin’s Representation
8.2: What Number is Represented?
8.3: Build Hundred-thousands
Lesson 9: Same Digit, Different Value
Warm-up: True or False: Expanded Expressions
9.1: Card Sort: Large Numbers
9.2: Expand Large Numbers
Lesson 10: Ten Times As Much
Warm-up: Number Talk: Related Numbers
10.1: Alike but Not the Same
10.2: More and More Money
Lesson 11: Large Numbers on a Number Line
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: What Number Could This Be?
11.1: Locate Large Numbers
11.2: So Many Numbers, So Little Line
Section B Summary
Section B Practice Problems
Section C: Compare, Order, and Round
Lesson 12: Compare Multi-digit Numbers
Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Friendly Numbers
12.1: Which is Greater?
12.2: Incomplete Numbers
12.3: Is It Possible?
Lesson 13: Order Multi-digit Numbers
Warm-up: True or False: Decomposed Numbers
13.1: Ways to Compare
13.2: Video Game Scores
Lesson 14: Multiples of 10,000 and 100,000
14.1: On Which Line Do They Belong?
14.2: Closer to Some Multiple
Lesson 15: The Nearest Multiples of 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: What Could It Be?
15.1: Closer to This or That?
15.2: Closer to Which Number?
15.3: What’s the Nearest Multiple?
Lesson 16: Round Numbers
Warm-up: Number Talk: Missing Numbers
16.1: Round to What?
16.2: Some Numbers to Round
16.3: Rounded Populations
Lesson 17: Apply Rounding
Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Plane Altitudes
17.1: Apart in the Air
17.2: Safe or Unsafe?
17.3: No-phone Zone?
Section C Summary
Section C Practice Problems
Section D: Add and Subtract
Lesson 18: Standard Algorithm to Add and Subtract
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: What’s the Difference?
18.1: Weekly Steps
18.2: Steps During the Weekend
Lesson 19: Compose and Decompose to Add and Subtract
Warm-up: Number Talk: Subtract Fractions
19.1: Find and Check Sums
19.2: Priya’s Family Heirlooms
Lesson 20: Add and Subtract Within 1,000,000
Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Subtracting Tens of Thousands
20.1: Add and Subtract Large Numbers
20.2: Spot Errors
Lesson 21: Zeros in the Standard Algorithm
Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Numbers with 0, 2, and 5
21.1: What If There is Nothing to Decompose?
21.2: What is Your Age?
Lesson 22: Solve Problems Involving Large Numbers
Warm-up: True or False: Sums and Differences
22.1: The Fundraiser
22.2: The Least and the Greatest of Them All
Section D Summary
Lesson 23: Bees are Buzzing
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: Bees
23.1: Termites, Ants, and Bees
23.2: Bee Population
Section D Practice Problems
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