
  1. Section A: Features of Patterns
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Sets of Circles
    2. 1.1: Bottle Cap Patterns
    3. 1.2: Taller and Taller
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: Colorful Tiles
    2. 2.1: Patterns that Repeat
    3. 2.2: Numbered Patterns
    4. 2.3: Clare’s Pattern
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Patterns in Multiplication
    2. 3.1: Growing Rectangles
    3. 3.2: More Growing Rectangles
    4. 3.3: No Grid This Time!
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Stacked Squares
    2. 4.1: Count by 10 and by 9
    3. 4.2: Count by 99
    4. 4.3: Count by 15
    5. Section A Summary
    6. Section A Practice Problems
  2. Section B: Multi-digit Multiplication
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: A Number Times Some Multiple of 10
    2. 5.1: Elena’s Sticky Gift
    3. 5.2: More and More Stickers
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: With and Without a Grid
    2. 6.1: Tyler's Diagrams
    3. 6.2: Two Kinds of Diagrams
    1. Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: Mysterious Area
    2. 7.1: Larger Numbers to Multiply
    3. 7.2: Jada’s Errors
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Extra Groups
    2. 8.1: Two by Two
    3. 8.2: Decompose by Place Value
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Expressions Galore
    2. 9.1: An Algorithm for Noah
    3. 9.2: Try an Algorithm with Partial Products
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Products
    2. 10.1: Partial Products, Recorded
    3. 10.2: Han’s Multiplication Mishap
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: The Value of the Digits
    2. 11.1: Two Algorithms to Multiply
    3. 11.2: Algorithm Comparison
    1. Warm-up: What Do You Know About 1 Year?
    2. 12.1: Time Flies When We Leap Years
    3. 12.2: Coin Collection
    4. Section B Summary
    5. Section B Practice Problems
  3. Section C: Multi-digit Division
    1. Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: Lots of Paletas
    2. 13.1: Paletas for a Class Party
    3. 13.2: More Snacks for a Class Party
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Dividing by 7
    2. 14.1: Write Multiples
    3. 14.2: Jada’s Mystery Number
    1. Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: Area of a Soccer Field
    2. 15.1: Elena’s Mural
    3. 15.2: Tyler’s Mural
    1. Warm-up: What Do You Know About Base-ten Blocks?
    2. 16.1: Blocks to Divide
    3. 16.2: Show Us Your Blocks
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Base-ten Diagrams
    2. 17.1: Divide with Diagrams or Blocks
    3. 17.2: Help Noah Get Unstuck
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Divide by 3
    2. 18.1: Decompose Dividends
    3. 18.2: Tyler’s Method
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Equations with Hundreds
    2. 19.1: A Stack of Partial Quotients
    3. 19.2: Andre and Elena’s Work
    4. 19.3: Incomplete Calculations
    1. 20.1: Muffins and Seats
    2. 20.2: Save for a Garden
    3. Section C Summary
    4. Section C Practice Problems
  4. Section D: Let’s Put It to Work: Problem Solving with Large Numbers
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Expressions with 5 or 90
    2. 21.1: Going on a Field Trip
    3. 21.2: A Trip to the Movies
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: Shaded Squares
    2. 22.1: Create a Class Banner
    3. 22.2: Replace the Classroom Carpet
    1. Warm-up: True or False: Differences
    2. 23.1: Back and Forth
    3. 23.2: Fitness Challenge
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Native American Languages
    2. 24.1: Do You Speak Navajo?
    3. 24.2: Languages in Philadelphia and Chicago
    4. Section D Summary
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: Paper Flowers
    2. 25.1: Paper Flower Construction
    3. 25.2: Quinceañera Decorations
    4. 25.3: Make Your Own Problems
    5. Section D Practice Problems
  5. Glossary
    1. Image Attributions
  6. Citations
  7. Notes
  8. Notes