
  1. Section A: Reason with Fractions
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Fluency and Fractions
    2. 1.1: Let’s Make Head Wraps!
    3. 1.2: Make 2 Yards of Fabric
    4. 1.3: Play by the Rules
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Wholes and Units
    2. 2.1: Straws for A Roller Coaster
    3. 2.2: Tall Enough for a Ride?
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: One Whole, Many Names
    2. 3.1: Relay Race at Recess
    3. 3.2: You Be the Author
  2. Section B: Whole-number Operations
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Differences
    2. 4.1: Lots of Zeros
    3. 4.2: Ways of Finding Differences
    1. Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: A Silly Riddle
    2. 5.1: Two Methods Revisited
    3. 5.2: Two by Two
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Divide by 3 and by 6
    2. 6.1: Unfinished Divisions
    3. 6.2: Where Do We Begin?
  3. Section C: Solve Problems with Multiplication and Division
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Two Cities
    2. 7.1: The Most and Least Expensive
    3. 7.2: The Cost of Living
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Divide by 8
    2. 8.1: Two Truths and a Lie, or Two Lies and a Truth?
    3. 8.2: Buses for a Field Trip
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: Difference and Thousands
    2. 9.1: What’s the Question?
    3. 9.2: What’s the Problem?
  4. Section D: Creation and Design
    1. Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: No Driver Required
    2. 10.1: Dental Care
    3. 10.2: Get Your Classmates to Estimate
    4. 10.3: Facilitate Your “Estimation Exploration” Activity
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Strings of Numbers
    2. 11.1: Add One That Doesn’t Belong
    3. 11.2: Add Two That Don’t Belong
    4. 11.3: Add Three That Don’t Belong
    1. Warm-up: Number Talk: A Whole Number and a Fraction
    2. 12.1: Related Numbers, Related Expressions
    3. 12.2: Add One New Expression, Then Two
    4. 12.3: Add Three New Expressions
  5. Glossary
    1. Image Attributions
  6. Citations
  7. Notes
  8. Notes