Section A: Fraction Multiplication
Lesson 1: One Piece of One Part
Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Baked Macaroni and Cheese
1.1: Of What?
1.2: The Same, but Different
Lesson 2: Represent Unit Fraction Multiplication
Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Diagrams
2.1: Interpret Diagrams
2.2: Write an Expression
Lesson 3: Multiply Unit Fractions
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: How Much is Shaded?
3.1: Notice Patterns in Expressions
3.2: Write a Multiplication Equation
Lesson 4: Situations about Multiplying Fractions
Warm-up: Number Talk: More Halving
4.1: The Park
4.2: A Different Park
Lesson 5: Multiply a Unit Fraction by a Non-unit Fraction
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: Shaded Rectangle
5.1: Write Equations
5.2: Estimate With Expressions
Lesson 6: Multiply Fractions
Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: More Pieces
6.1: Many Expressions
6.2: More Patterns
Lesson 7: Generalize Fraction Multiplication
Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Two Diagrams
7.1: Equations and Area
7.2: Multiply Fractions
Lesson 8: Apply Fraction Multiplication
Warm-up: Number Talk: Fraction Multiplication
8.1: Flags
8.2: More Flags
Section A Summary
Lesson 9: My Own Flag
Warm-up: Notice and Wonder
9.1: Principles of Flag Design
9.2: My Flag
Section A Practice Problems
Section B: Fraction Division
Lesson 10: Concepts of Division
Warm-up: Number Talk: Same Dividend, Different Divisor
10.1: Share Pretzels
10.2: Division Patterns
Lesson 11: Divide Unit Fractions by Whole Numbers
Warm-up: Number Talk: Double the Divisor
11.1: More Macaroni and Cheese
11.2: More People Share
Lesson 12: Represent Division of Unit Fractions by Whole Numbers
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: How Much is Shaded?
12.1: Diagrams, Equations, Situations
12.2: Priya’s Work
12.3: Look for Patterns
Lesson 13: Divide Whole Numbers by Unit Fractions
Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Quilt
13.1: Paper Strips
13.2: More Paper Strips
Lesson 14: Represent Division of Whole Numbers by Unit Fractions
Warm-up: Number Talk: Increasing Quotients
14.1: Notice Patterns
14.2: Match the Situation to the Expression
Lesson 15: Fraction Division Situations
Warm-up: Number Talk
15.1: Card Sort: Fraction Division Problem Sort
15.2: Division Story Situations
Lesson 16: Reason About Quotients
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: How Many One Fifths?
16.1: Greater Than or Less Than 1
16.2: Estimate and Divide
Section B Practice Problems
Section C: Problem Solving with Fractions
Lesson 17: Fraction Multiplication and Division Situations
Warm-up: Number Talk: Multiply and Divide
17.1: Info Gap: Tiles
17.2: Multiplication or Division
Lesson 18: Represent Situations with Multiplication and Division
Warm-up: Number talk: Three and a Tenth
18.1: Putting it All Together: Multiplication and Division
18.2: Multiplication or Division?
Lesson 19: Fraction Games
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: Multiply Fractions
19.1: Largest Product or Quotient
19.2: Smallest Product or Quotient
Section C Summary
Lesson 20: How Much in the Group?
Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: What Number Goes in the Blank?
20.1: Different Equations
20.2: How Big is the Class?
20.3: How Many in One Group?
Section C Practice Problems
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