
  1. Section A: The Coordinate Plane
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: The Grid
    2. 1.1: Can You Draw It: Shapes on the Coordinate Grid
    3. 1.2: Guess Which One: Shapes on the Coordinate Grid
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: A Point
    2. 2.1: What’s the Point?
    3. 2.2: Plot and Label Points
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Points with Zero
    2. 3.1: What’s the Point?
    3. 3.2: Plotting Points Without a Grid
    4. Section A Summary
    5. Section A Practice Problems
  2. Section B: The Hierarchy of Shapes
    1. Warm-up: What Do You Know About Quadrilaterals?
    2. 4.1: Guess Which One?
    3. 4.2: Card Sort: Quadrilaterals
    1. Warm-up: What Do You Know About Trapezoids?
    2. 5.1: What’s a Trapezoid?
    3. 5.2: Two Definitions of a Trapezoid
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Squares and Rhombuses
    2. 6.1: Shapes with Toothpicks
    3. 6.2: Three Quadrilaterals
    1. Warm-up: What Do You Know About This Shape?
    2. 7.1: Quadrilateral Clues
    3. 7.2: Always, Sometimes, Never
    1. Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: Angle Measure
    2. 8.1: The Right Fit
    3. 8.2: All, Some, None
    4. Section B Summary
    5. Section B Practice Problems
  3. Section C: Numerical Patterns
    1. 9.1: What’s the Pattern?
    2. 9.2: More Patterns
    1. Warm-up: True or False: Multiply and Divide
    2. 10.1: Mix and Match: 3 Patterns
    3. 10.2: Generate Patterns
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: The Coordinate Grid
    2. 11.1: Patterns on the Coordinate Grid, Part 1
    3. 11.2: Patterns on the Coordinate Grid, Part 2
    1. Warm-up: True or False: Addition and Multiplication
    2. 12.1: Heads or Tails
    3. 12.2: Coin Values
    1. Warm-up: Estimation Exploration: Window Washing
    2. 13.1: Rectangle Perimeters
    3. 13.2: Rectangle Areas
    4. Section C Summary
    5. Section C Practice Problems
  4. Glossary
    1. Image Attributions
  5. Notes
  6. Notes