
  1. Section A: Exploring Shapes in Our Environment
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Teddy Bears
    2. 1.2: Shapes in a Picture
    3. 1.3: Centers: Choice Time
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Buttons
    2. 2.1: Match Objects and Shapes
    3. 2.2: Which Shape is the Same?
    4. 2.3: Centers: Choice Time
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Compare Shapes
    2. 3.3: Introduce Which One, Shapes
    1. 4.1: Classroom Shape Hunt
    2. 4.2: Shape Sort
    3. 4.3: Centers: Choice Time
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Shape Attributes
    2. 5.1: Color Circles and Triangles
    3. 5.2: Triangle Sort
    4. 5.3: Introduce Counting Collections, Up To 20
    1. Warm-up: What Do You Know About Triangles?
    2. 6.1: Sort Rectangles
    3. 6.2: Compare Length of Rectangles
    4. 6.3: Centers: Choice Time
    1. 7.1: Compare Length of Straws
    2. 7.3: Introduce Build Shapes, Match the Flat Shape
    1. Warm-up: What Do You Know About Rectangles?
    2. 8.1: Connect the Dots
    3. 8.2: Describe and Draw Shapes
    4. 8.3: Introduce Build Shapes, Describe the Flat Shape
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Rectangles, Squares, and Triangles
    2. 9.1: School Shape Walk
    3. 9.2: Create the Shape
    4. 9.3: Centers: Choice Time
    5. Section A Summary
    6. Section A Practice Problems
  2. Section B: Making Shapes
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Quilts
    2. 10.1: Introduce Pattern Blocks, Count Out and Build
    3. 10.2: Pattern Block Puzzles
    4. 10.3: Centers: Choice Time
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: 1 More and 1 Less on 5-frames
    2. 11.1: Missing Shapes
    3. 11.2: Find the Shape
    4. 11.3: Centers: Choice Time
    1. Warm-up: Which One Doesn’t Belong: Pattern Block Trapezoids
    2. 12.1: Introduce Pattern Blocks, Puzzle Challenge
    3. 12.2: Many Ways to Make a Hexagon
    4. 12.3: Centers: Choice Time
    1. Warm-up: How Many Do You See: Add On and Rearrange
    2. 13.1: Where are the Pattern Blocks?
    3. 13.3: Centers: Choice Time
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Shapes in Art
    2. 14.3: Centers: Choice Time
    3. Section B Summary
    1. Warm-up: Notice and Wonder: Animals at the Watering Hole
    2. 15.1: Animal Print Making
    3. Section B Practice Problems
  3. Glossary
    1. Image Attributions
    1. Blackline Masters
  4. Notes
  5. Notes